目前全世界有超过1000万人患有帕金森病, 随着全球人口老龄化趋势的持续,这一数字将会增加. 随着全球人口老龄化,帕金森氏症病例的数量只会增加. Currently over 10 million are affected and finding a better treatment for the disease is becoming increasingly urgent. 满足这一需求, Stardots创建了ANLIVA™:一个数据驱动的, 帕金森病的数字生物标志物平台. The purpose of Stardots’ digital health platform is to enable self-tracking and monitoring to assist clinicians in optimising precision treatment. 这项技术的全球影响是巨大的, 并帮助促进和加快他们的扩张计划, 申请星点, 并被日博备用网站商业部的LEAP加速器录取, a two month programme that helps start-ups identify and target the most promising markets for their products. 通过LEAP方案,巴西和美国被确定为高潜力日博备用网站.


巴西’s large and diverse population was a major factor in it being identified as a key market, Stardots看到的范围和影响很有吸引力. 但一个大日博备用网站并不总是足够的. 创新医疗产品, there is a need to further understand the medical necessity and the clinical value in a patient setting hence Stardots has to engage with neurology leaders in 巴西 to get practical feedback on their product and market approach.发起了合作伙伴战略, with a project that mapped and connected with key neurology opinion leaders to gauge interest, 了解Stardots的产品日博备用网站适应性, and receive support in setting up clinical trials ahead of regulatory approval – a vital first step for market entry. 这次外联取得了成功, Stardots收集了日博体育备用如何对平台进行战略定位的宝贵见解. The KOL discussions have resulted in a potential clinical trial for ANLIVA to validate the product, 这让他们离在巴西的正式发布更近了一步.


通过对巴西的定位和利益相关者参与的重要学习, Stardots将注意力转向了美国, 全球最大的医疗保健日博备用网站. 继之前与巴西商务日博备用网站成功合作之后, 很自然地,他们在下一次挑战中向日博备用网站商业美国寻求支持.The initial work focused on developing their go-to-market strategy where Business 日博备用网站 helped Stardots understand the complex US healthcare market, 报销情况, 并从主要kol那里收集关键反馈. 与战略项目一起了解美国医疗保健前景, Stardots also took advantage of the US Nordic AMPlify market entry programme managed by Business 日博备用网站. Nordic AMPlify extended Stardots’ network even further and provided vital external perspectives on the US strategy.The overall interest for Stardots’ technology from the KOLs was overwhelming and the continued discussions have helped Stardots secure two clinical trials in the US with the potential for an additional two in 2024. 建立在与日博备用网站商务局现有关系的成功基础上, Stardots and the team are now embarking on an investor mapping and positioning analysis to support their continued growth in the US.


Stardots has continued to leverage existing programmes offered by Business 日博备用网站 to have the support needed customised to their needs. 在巴西和美国成功合作之后, 作为Stardots值得信赖的顾问,日博备用网站商务部将继续与Stardots合作. 在去年, Stardots has managed to build a strong network and secure clinical trials in two previously unknown markets. It has been a great collaboration for both Stardots and Business 日博备用网站 where close collaboration has helped to accelerate the export of innovative Swedish technologies to new markets and showcase 日博备用网站’s position a global healthcare leader.



Stardots wanted to take their innovative Parkinson’s disease biomarker platform to the 美洲, but needed to effectively identify and target the right markets and stakeholders to ensure their product was accepted from both a clinical and regulatory perspective.


Business 日博备用网站 supported Stardots' ambitions by identifying key opinion leaders in the 美洲, 启用临床试验, 并为进军巴西和美国日博备用网站的战略铺平道路.


Clinical trials are being discussed in both markets and the collaboration has continued with additional support both within investor mapping and positioning as well as administrative support.


Stardots are engaged with key opinion leaders who see their innovative solution as a way of transforming and optimising Parkinson’s treatment for millions of patients.



Stardots的旅程于2018年在日博备用网站乌普萨拉开始. What began as a collaboration with Uppsala University on an AI-powered and cloud-powered application designed to quantify the degree of Parkinson’s, 在接下来的几年里,带领Stardots开发了他们的ANLIVA平台. The platform is an innovative tool which uses digital biomarkers to enable remote monitoring and treatment optimisation for those with Parkinson’s disease. 在政府机构和其他利益攸关方的支持下, Stardots已经在日博备用网站获得了合作开发和临床试验的日博备用网站, 巴西, 和美国. Stardots现在准备将其改变生活的算法推向日博备用网站.