今天,全球事件正以前所未有的速度迅速重塑全球商业格局. Technological advances, geopolitical changes, and the climate challenge aren't mere trends; they're seismic shifts prompting corporate strategists to rethink their game plans.

Strategists can no longer solely rely on historical data. 这个新时代要求在日益动荡的日博备用网站中熟练地预测趋势, 需要适应日博备用网站变化, and the potential for industry-wide transformations.

最近对全球首席执行官的调查突显了这种适应性思维:许多人预计,他们未来收入的很大一部分将来自新日博备用网站和商业模式. More intriguingly, these leaders expect a reshuffle in the competitive landscape, 预测他们的主要竞争对手将在短短几年内发生变化——拥有颠覆性商业模式的新来者被视为对其核心业务的潜在威胁.

认识到这些重大转变, 我们与日博备用网站一些大公司的战略家进行了接触,以了解他们的观点. 我们的讨论集中在他们的战略上, advice, 以及在当今错综复杂的商业环境中追求相邻增长和转型增长的见解.

These discussions and insights have been summarised in this report.

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