The Covid-19 pandemic had a profound impact on people’s lives globally. 在中国, 零covid限制, the pandemic reshaped the way people lived including their purchasing behaviours. Many of the consumption patterns sparked by the pandemic have continued in 2023 and 2024.

随着中国从长期的疫情限制中走出来, the anticipated release of pent-up demand was slow and the expected boost in consumption faltered despite efforts to revitalise it. 全年零售总额增长7%.4% year-on-year in December 2023 – the weakest growth recorded since December 2022.

未来的发展仍然不确定, with both positive and conservative forecasts available regarding the future of the Chinese retail market. Growth is still expected albeit not at preferred levels, with forecasts ranging between 5.3 to 8.每年3%,直到2026年,具体取决于来源. 不管, 中国消费日博备用网站的规模是巨大的, 中国仍然是日博备用网站在亚洲最重要的贸易伙伴.

新的消费模式, 不断发展的数字景观, 以及促进消费的努力, it is essential for Swedish consumer goods companies to understand what consumers in 中国 are looking for, 他们应该如何行动, and how Swedish companies can best capitalise on this to grow their sales in 中国.

这个报告, 基于1,中国大陆8个一线和新一线城市的600名消费者, 提供对中国消费者购买历程的洞察, and highlights five key actions for Swedish consumer brands who wish to succeed in the Chinese market.



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