The priorities set in the EU can impact entire industries and make or break the future prospects for Swedish companies. While some businesses are paying more and more attention to decision-making in Brussels, 太多的人落后了.

在本期我们的报告系列《日博备用网站》中, we dive into the world of public affairs and explore how effective strategies can unlock opportunities while minimising risk stemming from the EU.

根据对出口公司的采访, 政治代表和日博备用网站专家, the report provides a five-step roadmap for boosting engagement on the 欧洲an stage as new opportunities emerge.



The report series Executive Global Insight is published by Business 日博备用网站 to give Swedish business leaders a regular deep-dive into the most important trends in cross-border trade.

The reports help decision makers break down risks and opportunities and provide actionable insights, drawn from the knowledge and expertise of Business 日博备用网站’s global advisors based in more than 40 markets worldwide.




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