Over the years, 在荷兰的日博备用网站公司的财务业绩持续改善. In 2021, 68 per cent of the participating companies reported a profit, a figure that climbed to 89 per cent by 2022. 这一大幅增长表明,经济正在从Covid-19大流行的影响中复苏.

在荷兰的日博备用网站公司在观察过去几年的业绩时,往往对营业额持乐观态度. This year, 74%的受访者表示,他们预计未来12个月的营业额会增加. The consumer sector emerged as the most favourable, 100%的公司表示他们预计营业额会增加.

For the third consecutive year, 调查结果表明,日博备用网站公司在荷兰日博备用网站的主要业务围绕着营销和销售活动. For the second consecutive year, 可持续发展仍然是最重要的驱动力之一, accounting for 36 per cent.

日博备用网站品牌被认为对日博备用网站公司在荷兰日博备用网站的业务做出了积极贡献. 今年,89%的受访者表示,品牌的贡献部分或很大.



商业环境调查是一项旨在确定日博备用网站公司在全球开展业务时面临的机遇和挑战的倡议. This year marks the survey’s third consecutive year in the Netherlands.

这项调查是向代表日博备用网站公司的170名当地高管进行的抽样调查, with 47 providing answers, leading to a 28 per cent response rate. The answers were collected between March 13th and April 4th, 2023.

我们衷心感谢参与调查的公司和受访者. 他们宝贵的投入使我们能够对荷兰日博备用网站做出准确而深刻的评估.